
A light...  

Posted by Amber R

It amazes me that when things SEEM to be at their worst, a light shines through. I was stressing really bad today over money. I checked my mail this evening almost in tears, and was shocked at what I found. My "little bit here" and "little bit there" on rebates is REALLY paying off. I had a grand total of $88.99 in rebate checks and a prepaid visa in my mailbox from different rebate deals I had done in the last month or two. I was shocked. When I do these deals, it doesn't seem like much, but when it all rolls in at once it is amazing how it adds up. I spent MUCH less than that total because my out of pocket budget is $20 a month and I have yet to go over it. Thank you to everyone who shares these awesome deals... you helped light up my whole month!

This entry was posted on Nov 3, 2008 at 14:25 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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