I always do a yearly wrap up towards the end of December, but there will be no time for it this year. We are moving my mother in law up here and things will be way too chaotic. So even though it is a month early, here goes.
Ode to my vehicle:
I love you. No, I really do. You have dealt with spit up, throw up, being peed in, my lousy attempt to clean your carpet and my oh so picky ways with what fluids go in you. You have been a joy. Everyone said I was making a "horrible decision" when I bought you early this year, but you held strong. You have handled THREE incredible round trips from mid-Missouri to Houston, along with a one way trip as well. You have also survived last minute emergency excursions to Indiana, Illinois, and St. Louis without so much as a hiccup. Thank you for showing me that I DO have what it takes to pick a vehicle on my own. I will have you paid off in a few short months and you will be with me for a very long time.
To my children:
You have made me laugh, scared the crap out of me, and taught me even more that I can love more than I ever imagined. Everyday with you is a blessing and I am grateful to have you in my life. Keep growing, learning, and doing your silly little things that keep me laughing and on my toes.
To my husband:
Last year's wrap up did not end so well... all I had to say was that I hoped this year would go better than the last for us. I can honestly say it has. We have re-built what we had and have made it stronger than I ever could have imagined. We trust each other more than I ever thought possible, and you are finally my best friend again. Thank you for showing me that love CAN conquer anything and thank you for being humble enough to work on this relationship with me. I can't wait to look you in the eyes and renew our vows on our anniversary next year. I love you, sh.
To my biological family:
What can I say? I hope you are all well and hope your grapevine does not produce sour grapes. I love all of you, and hope in time some of you will mature. If not, I continue to wish you only the best in everything you do.
To my friends:
Once again, thank you for being there for me when "family" was not. I look forward to another wonderful year together, and in particular I look forward to spending much more time with one of you who will be closer next year. You guys have supported me, encouraged me to chase my dreams, and kept me laughing when all I felt like doing is crying. You have brought me through once again.
To my sister:
Last year you were a lifesaver for me, and I will never forget that... EVER. We have drifted apart some, but I still love you. I am so glad you have her back and PROTECT HER NO MATTER WHAT. No matter what anyone says, that is the ONLY thing that is important. I am always here for you. Oh, yeah, one more thing. IT DOES GET EASIER. I promise.
To my schoolwork:
You suck. Just had to throw that in there. ;)
Thanks for bearing with me, and I hope everyone has had a productive of a year as I have.
This entry was posted
on Nov 21, 2008
at 20:44
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- Amber R
- I am the proud mommy to three wonderful kiddos. For safety reasons, they will be referred to on this blog as:
Princess- 4 years old
Tomboy- 2 years old
Little Dude- 1 year old
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